Lifestyle News

No, ice creams do not cool you down — they raise body temperature!

Many people enjoy ice cream as a delightful treat to help cool down on a hot day. The cold temperature of the ice cream can provide a temporary sensation of relief from the heat. However, there’s a bit more to the story than just cooling off. When you consume ice cream, your body has to work to digest and metabolize the sugars and fats it contains. This process can generate a small amount of heat as your body converts the energy from the food.

Additionally, the body responds to the cold temperature of the ice cream by warming up internally to maintain a stable core temperature. This means that while the immediate effect of eating ice cream might be a cooling sensation, the overall impact could be a slight increase in body temperature as your body adjusts.

So, while ice cream might feel refreshing at first, it’s not entirely accurate to say it will cool you down in the long term. Instead, it’s a fun and indulgent way to beat the heat momentarily, with your body eventually compensating for the temporary drop in temperature.

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