On Sunday, Sonakshi Sinha tied the knot with her longtime partner Zaheer Iqbal in a small ceremony in her new Mumbai flat, 81 Aureate. In a joint post, Sonakshi and Zaheer announced their engagement. The pair revealed gorgeous photos from their civil wedding. Sonakshi is attractive in the photos wearing a white saree. She wore little jewelery and little makeup. There were flowers in the new bride’s hair. For the event, Zaheer Iqbal donned a white kurta. Zaheer is seen kissing Sonakshi’s hand in the first photo. Sonakshi, Zaheer Iqbal, and her father Shatrughan Sinha are shown in the second photo. Zaheer signs the document in the photo as Sonakshi is seen gripping her father’s arm. The newlyweds are seen posing for the camera in the last picture.
Sonakshi Sinha shared the images and penned a note. It said, “We saw love in its purest form in each other’s eyes on this very day, June 23, 2017, seven years ago, and decided to hold on to it.” With the help of our families and both of our gods, we are finally married thanks to the love that has led us through all of the hardships and victories that have preceded us. From now till forever, here’s to love, hope, and everything lovely with one other.” “Sonakshi weds Zaheer,” Sonakshi said in the post.