Poonam Pandey’s team claimed on Friday that she died of cervical cancer at the age of 32. However, on Saturday, the model-actor posted fresh videos titled ‘I am alive’.
A day after her team proclaimed Poonam Pandey dead on her official Instagram account, the actor-model turned to social media to claim she “faked her death to increase conversation around cervical cancer.”
On Friday, February 2, 2024, a post on Poonam’s official handle said, “This morning is a challenging one for us. We are really heartbroken to inform you that our dear Poonam has died from cervical cancer. According to news sources, her manager confirmed her demise.
Her message was “I’m alive. I did not die from cervical cancer. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the hundreds of thousands of women who have died from cervical cancer.”
“I’m sorry for causing this tear, and I apologize to anyone I’ve wounded. “My intention is to shock everyone into a conversation about cervical cancer that we don’t talk about enough,” she said in another post.