For the event, Alia Bhatt sporting a gorgeous mini black Gucci dress with polka-dotted cut-outs. She completed her look with black platform heels and a Gucci Jackie 1961 transparent bag. IU, on the other hand, was seen looking pretty in a beautiful white sheer dress with golden flowers all over it.
Recently, a video went viral on social media where Alia was seen sitting beside IU. In another picture, Alia was clicked posing for a picture with IU, Blake Lee, Dakota Johnson and Gucci CEO Marco Bizzarri.
Recently, Thai actress Davika Hoome too shared a couple of pictures with Alia Bhatt as she celebrated her birthday.
Alia Bhatt was recently announced as the first Indian global ambassador of the luxurious brand Gucci. Alia took to Instagram and wrote, “I’m honoured to represent the house of Gucci not only in India but at a global stage. Gucci’s legacy has always inspired and intrigued me and I’m looking forward to the many sartorial milestones we create together.”
Meanwhile, The Gucci Cruise fashion event was attended by many celebrities such as Squid Game star Lee Jung-jae, Aaespa Winter, ITZY member Ryujin, IVE member Leeseo, BIBI, Shin Min-ah, Lee Yeon Hee, NewJeans Hanni, Harry Styles and Dakota Johnson.
On the work front, Alia Bhatt will next be seen in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani with Ranveer Singh. She also has Jee Le Zaraa and Heart of Stone.
See Also: Alia Bhatt looks stunning in black at the Gucci Cruise 2024 in Seoul. See first pic