Kapil Sharma has struggled with his weight over the years. While his fluctuating body size has been visible on The Kapil Sharma Show, the styling has been nothing out of the ordinary. Now, with the pictures from the new season, he looks fitter and visibly more stylish.
India’s favourite comedian Kapil Sharma is returning with a new season of The Kapil Sharma Show. The stand-up comedian and actor is grabbing attention for his impressive transformation
Back in June 2015, Kapil is posing with Salman Khan on the sets of The Kapil Sharma Show. He wears a blue-coloured suit. However, there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary in his styling. The look is formal and presentable but impressive, maybe not
Kapil Sharma is seen wearing a simple sweatshirt in this image from October 2016. Visibly, he has gained weight as is evident from his face. Styling is plain and does not leave a mark
Kapil Sharma snapped during the promotion of his Bollywood film Firangi back in November 2017. He seems to have lost some extra kilos for the movie role but the look is far from eye-catching
Kapil Sharma snapped during his wedding with Ginni Chatrath. He has had a continuous struggle with weight gain as is visible in the picture. His wedding look is still praise-worthy as he manages to carry off the sherwani with confidence