Ranbir Kapoor is back with a bang on the silver screen after a gap of four years. The actor will be seen in two movies this year that are predicted to be blockbusters, Shamshera and Brahmastra. The actor has similarly, always picked movies that show us his wide range of acting skills such as Rockstar, Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani and Sanju among others.In a recent interview however, the actor opened up about how his father, late Rishi Kapoor would critique him saying that his choice of films would not make him a national star. For the promotions of Brahmastra, Yash Raj Films has introduced the RK Tapes on its Youtube channel. In the recent episode, Ranbir Kapoor opened up about the criticism he received from his father, Rishi Kapoor.
Getting candid in the video, he says, “I remember my father used to tell me that the films I do are good films, but they’re not going to make me a national star. Thankfully my films worked, the audience appreciated it, but now I understand what he was trying to say. Even today when I look at my favourite heroes, I always look at them from a low angle. I never see them as equal to me. They are always larger than life, both on and off-screen. If I can be even two percent of the heroes they are, my life will be set.”Rishi Kapoor was one of the most successful and generation-defining actors of the ’70s and ’80s. He continued to work, right till his death in 2020.