Shraddha Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor’s most anticipated Luv Ranjan’s next has been the talk of the town for a very long time. The stars were spotted filming a song from the film in Delhi, which went viral on the internet, and the actress has now arrived in Spain. Shraddha took to social media to share a glimpse of the shoot as she travels to Spain for Luv Ranjan’s next while capturing a road trip with a song in the background. She also wrote “Hola!” while tagging the location and her hair and makeup artists, Shraddha Naik and Nikita Menon.
Shraddha Kapoor will be seen in Luv Ranjan’s untitled next comedy-drama with Ranbir Kapoor, which will be produced by Luv Films and T-Series. Earlier this year, the on-screen couple attended their director Luv Ranjan’s intimate wedding in Rajasthan. The movie will be released on Holi 2023. She is also working on a comedy project with director Pankaj Parashar called Chaalbaaz In London, which could be released this year. She is also working on Vishal Furia’s Naagin. According to reports, Shraddha will also begin shooting for Naagin soon, and pre-production work on the film has already begun.