Priyanka Chopra Jonas who’s super active on social media, began to tweet to netizens making them aware of the Nisarga cyclone that is set to hit Mumbai today. Her first tweet read, “This year feels relentless. Please everyone find cover, take precautions and follow the guidelines outlined. Please stay safe everyone,’ along with this she shared a click for the ‘donts’ to be followed during the cyclone. In another tweet she shares a picture outlining more details about the cyclone and what needs to be done.
She tweets, ‘#CycloneNisarga is making its way to Mumbai, my beloved home city of more than 20 million people, including my mom and brother. Mumbai hasn’t experienced a serious cyclone landfall since 1891, and at a time when the world is so desperate, this could be especially devastating.”
PRIYANKA ✔@priyankachopra
#CycloneNisarga is making its way to Mumbai, my beloved home city of more than 20 million people, including my mom and brother. Mumbai hasn’t experienced a serious cyclone landfall since 1891, and at a time when the world is so desperate, this could be especially devastating.
9,2664:16 AM – Jun 3, 2020 · Mumbai, IndiaTwitter Ads info and privacy 882 people are talking about this
Priyanka Chopra is currently quarantining with husband Nick Jonas in Los Angeles while her mother Madhu Chopra and brother Siddharth Chopra are residing in Mumbai.