Kareena Kapoor will join Irrfan Khan, Deepak Dobriyal and Radhika Madan on the shoot of Angrezi Medium from May 15. The film is directed by Homi Adjania and the shoot of the film started in April in Udaipur. The actor will join Irrfan Khan, Deepak Dobriyal and Radhika Madan on the shoot of Angrezi Medium from May 15.
The movie is a sequel to Hindi Medium which released in 2017.The film is bankrolled by Dinesh Vijan who is excited to have Kareena on board.
A source close to Khan said , “Kareena has started prep for Angrezi Medium. Since she’s playing a cop for the first time, she’s been discussing her character with director Homi Adajania. She will shoot in Mumbai for around a week before the team flies to London in June where a big chunk will be shot. She is not romantically paired with Irrfan but has an important role in the narrative.”