Tamil actor and theatre artist Cheenu Mohan breathed his last on thursday morning. He passed away due to a massive heart attack. He was 62 years old. The news broke out when the veteran playwriter Crazy Mohan took to Facebook to share the sad news. He wrote, “It is with Heartfelt pain, We in Crazy Creations mourn the untimely passing away of CHEENU MOHAN this morning due to massive heart attack. He made millions forget their worries and laugh their heart out. As a trouper since inception of Crazy Creations in 1979, he reveled in well knit friendship with each and every one in the troupe. Cremation to take place on 29.12.18 in Anna Nagar. We pray for his AATHMA to get POORNA SHANTHI and NARGATHI.”
Cheenu Mohan started his career in films in the late 1980s. He was a part of some of the leading movies like Mani Ratnam’s Anjali (1990), Varusham Padhinaaru (1989) and many more. He gradually became a part the plays directed by Crazy Mohan and became the lead cast. One of his major and most famous play is Jurassic Baby which was widely applauded and appreciated by the audience and the critics. The drama still gets aired on Doordarshan or Podigai.
Cheenu Mohan was a appreciated for all his performances in the plays and movies he was a part of. His funeral is scheduled to take place on 29th December.